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Ruptures in the agroecological transitions: institutional change and policy dismantling in Brazil
Paulo Niederle, Paulo Petersen, Emilie Coudel, Catia Grisa, Claudia Schmitt, Eric Sabourin, Evandro Schneider, Alfio Brandenburg and Claire Lamine The Journal of Peasant Studies 50(3) 931 (2023)
Italian biodistricts and French territorial food projects: how science-policy-experience interplays shape the framings of transitions towards sustainable territorial food systems
Claire Lamine, Patrizia Pugliese, Fabienne Barataud, Giaime Berti and Adanella Rossi Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (2023)
Compromise in the making of urban agroecology: grassroots initiatives and the politics of experimentation in Madrid, Spain
Émilie Houde-Tremblay, Geneviève Cloutier, Nathan McClintock, René Audet and Alain Olivier Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 47(7) 972 (2023)
When Markets Make Agroecologies: Empirical Evidence from Downstream and Upstream Markets in Argentina, Brazil and France
Ronan Le Velly, Frédéric Goulet, Ivan Dufeu, Allison Loconto and Paulo Niederle Journal of Innovation Economics & Management N° 42(3) 21 (2023)
La recherche en sciences humaines et sociales sur l’objet pesticide dans le cadre académique français : état des lieux et perspectives