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Brittany Jury, Charlotte Fleming, Wilhelmina M. Huston and Laurence Don Wai Luu Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 13 (2023)
Methyl sulfonamide substituents improve the pharmacokinetic properties of bicyclic 2-pyridone basedChlamydia trachomatisinhibitors
Chlamydia trachomatis Is Present and Metabolically Active During the Remitting Phase in Synovial Tissues From Patients With Chronic Chlamydia-induced Reactive Arthritis
Dendrimer-Enabled Modulation of Gene Expression in Chlamydia trachomatis
Manoj K. Mishra, Hervé C. Gérard, Judith A. Whittum-Hudson, Alan P. Hudson and Rangaramanujam M. Kannan Molecular Pharmaceutics 9(3) 413 (2012)
The molecular basis for disease phenotype in chronicChlamydia-induced arthritis
John D Carter, Herve C Gerard, Judith A Whittum-Hudson and Alan P Hudson International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 7(6) 627 (2012)
Combination antibiotics for the treatment ofChlamydia-induced reactive arthritis: is a cure in sight?
John D Carter, Hervé C Gérard, Judith A Whittum-Hudson and Alan P Hudson International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 6(3) 333 (2011)
Chlamydia-induced reactive arthritis: Hidden in plain sight?
The potential for the noninvasive delivery of polymeric nanocarriers using propellant-based inhalers in the treatment of Chlamydial respiratory infections
Lack of Evidence for Bacterial Infections in Skin in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis
Maureen D. Mayes, Judith A. Whittum-Hudson, Cynthia Oszust, Hervé C. Gérard and Alan P. Hudson The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 337(4) 233 (2009)
Reactive Arthritis: Clinical Aspects and Medical Management
Chlamydiae as etiologic agents in chronic undifferentiated spondylarthritis
John D. Carter, Hervé C. Gérard, Luis R. Espinoza, Louis R. Ricca, Joanne Valeriano, Jessica Snelgrove, Cynthia Oszust, Frank B. Vasey and Alan P. Hudson Arthritis & Rheumatism 60(5) 1311 (2009)
Molecular Biology of Infectious Agents in Chronic Arthritis
Hervé C. Gérard, Judith A. Whittum-Hudson, John D. Carter and Alan P. Hudson Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America 35(1) 1 (2009)