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Bridging the gap between science, policy and stakeholders: Towards sustainable wolf–livestock coexistence in human‐dominated landscapes
Emu‐Felicitas Ostermann‐Miyashita, Hannah Kirkland, Ann Eklund, Darragh Hare, Hugh A. H. Jansman, Christian Kiffner, John D. C. Linnell, Robin Rigg, Suzanne A. Stone, Sandra Uthes, Manuela von Arx and Hannes J. König People and Nature (2025)
Stakeholder involvement in realist evaluation: A scoping review and best fit framework synthesis
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Exploring the Evolution of Nanotechnology Education: Insights from Bibliometric Analysis
Working With Similarities and Differences: Relational Processes in Transdisciplinary Qualitative Research With Diverse Teams
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Mapping the Complexity of Legal Challenges for Trustworthy Drones on Construction Sites in the United Kingdom
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The diversity of researchers’ roles in sustainability science: the influence of project characteristics
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Exploring local spatial planning as practices of process design in the Stockholm region, Sweden
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Taking pluralism seriously: a new perspective on evidence-based policy
Proposal of a Self-Assessment Competency Framework for Transdisciplinary Engineering
J. Sajdakova, E. Carey, V. Dhokia, L. Newnes and G. Parry Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 09(03) 373 (2024)
Conceptualising boundary work activities to enhance credible, salient and legitimate knowledge in sustainability transdisciplinary research projects
Forging just ecologies: 25 years of urban long-term ecological research collaboration
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Uncharted territory: governance opportunities for wildfire management and the case of Cyprus
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Riparian Landscape Change: A Spatial Approach for Quantifying Change and Development of a River Network Restoration Model
Biosphere Reserves as model regions for transdisciplinarity? A literature review
Caroline Hélène Dabard, Charlotte Gohr, Fabio Weiss, Henrik von Wehrden, Frederike Neumann, Solomiia Hordasevych, Bruno Arieta, Jenny Hammerich, Caroline Meier, Janine Jargow, Vera Luthardt, Pierre L. Ibisch and Ana Filipa Ferreira Sustainability Science 19(6) 2065 (2024)
Making mutual learning tangible: Mixed-method Delphi as a tool for measuring the convergence of participants’ reciprocal understanding in transdisciplinary processes
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Empowering Tomorrow’s Problem Solvers: Nexus Thinking and CLEWs Modelling as a Pedagogical Approach to Wicked Problems
Challenges and strategies in transdisciplinary research ‐ early career researchers’ perspectives
Vanja Djinlev, Irina Dallo, Stefan Markus Müller, Mélanie Surchat, Juanita von Rothkirch, Ariane Wenger and Leonhard Späth GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 32(1) 172 (2023)
Interweaving the Sciences: the transdisciplinarization of the Anthropocene
A critical exploration of the diets of UK disadvantaged communities to inform food systems transformation: a scoping review of qualitative literature using a social practice theory lens
Power to, over and with: Exploring power dynamics in social innovations in energy transitions across Europe
Flor Avelino, Sabine Hielscher, Marta Strumińska-Kutra, Tessa de Geus, Linda Widdel, Julia Wittmayer, Alicja Dańkowska, Agata Dembek, Maria Fraaije, Jasmin Heidary, Marfuga Iskandarova, Karoline Rogge, Agata Stasik and Franco Crudi Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 48 100758 (2023)
Intensified rice production negatively impacts plant biodiversity, diet, lifestyle and quality of life: transdisciplinary and gendered research in the Middle Senegal River Valley
Transferencia de conocimiento e innovación social desde la Universidad para la ruptura de la brecha digital desde los servicios sociales
Juan Manuel Herrera-Hernández and Josué Gutiérrez-Barroso methaodos revista de ciencias sociales 11(2) m231102a11 (2023)
La transdisciplinarité dans une recherche en santé publique en Tunisie
Social sciences and nuclear energy practitioners: Exploring Spanish perceptions and expectations of interdisciplinary work in a transdisciplinary world
Transdisciplinary learning as a key leverage for sustainability transformations
Matthias Barth, Amanda Jiménez-Aceituno, David PM Lam, Lina Bürgener and Daniel J Lang Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64 101361 (2023)
Adaptive methodology. Topic, theory, method and data in ongoing conversation
Kristof van Assche, Raoul Beunen, Martijn Duineveld and Monica Gruezmacher International Journal of Social Research Methodology 26(1) 35 (2023)
Ernest Aigner, Christoph Görg, Verena Madner, Andreas Novy, Karl W. Steininger, Stefan Nabernegg and Dominik Wiedenhofer 173 (2023)
Explaining Challenges That Beset Transdisciplinary Projects in the Global South: The Shift from Methodological Perspectives to a Political-Economic Dynamic Analysis
Promising practices for dealing with complexity in research for development
Carmenza Robledo Abad, Sabin Bieri, René Eschen, Sandra Fuerst, Johanna Jacobi, Elizabeth Jiménez, Aymara Llanque Zonta, Meleesa Naughton, Urs Schaffner, Mirko S. Winkler and Manuel Flury GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 32(1) 115 (2023)
Editorial: Current trends in environmental psychology, volume II
Oriana Mosca, Ferdinando Fornara, Stefano Mastandrea, Ylenia Passiatore, Mauro Sarrica, Massimiliano Scopelliti and Giuseppe Carrus Frontiers in Psychology 14 (2023)
Co-creation between cities and climate change science achieves research and action agenda
Transdisciplinarity in transformative ocean governance research—reflections of early career researchers
Mia Strand, Kelly Ortega-Cisneros, Holly J Niner, Michel Wahome, James Bell, Jock C Currie, Hashali Hamukuaya, Giulia La Bianca, Alana M S N Lancaster, Ntemesha Maseka, Lisa McDonald, Kirsty McQuaid, Marly M Samuel, Alexander Winkler and Yinji Li ICES Journal of Marine Science 79(8) 2163 (2022)
Innovating social work education in Chile: addressing the UN sustainable development goals, enhancing our profession
Getting personal with collaborative sustainability experimentation: Reflections and recommendations from a transdisciplinary partnership with the Swedish craft beer sector
Transition towards sustainable yak farming in Bhutan: stakeholders’ viewpoints and recommendations for future steps
Nedup Dorji, Marjolein Derks, Peter W.G. Groot Koerkamp and Eddie A.M. Bokkers International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 20(1) 68 (2022)
Situated transdisciplinarity in university policy: lessons for its institutionalization
Multi-stakeholder analysis of fire risk reduction in a densely populated area in the Netherlands: a case-study in the Veluwe area
Evelien de Hoop, Hilde J H Brouwers, Sophie L Buijs, Linde Egberts, Max J van Gerrevink, Marleen C de Ruiter and Sander Veraverbeke Environmental Research Letters 17(9) 095011 (2022)
Cinderella lost? Barriers to the integration of energy Social Sciences and Humanities outside academia
Unraveling the politics of ‘doing inclusion’ in transdisciplinarity for sustainable transformation
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Engaging Stakeholders in the Design of One Health Surveillance Systems: A Participatory Approach
Handrails through the Swamp? A Pilot to Test the Integration and Implementation Science Framework in Complex Real-World Research
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Toward community food security through transdisciplinary action research
Steven Lam, Michelle Thompson, Kathleen Johnson, Cameron Fioret and Sarah K Hargreaves Action Research 19(4) 656 (2021)
The Potential of Bioeconomic Innovations to Contribute to a Social-Ecological Transformation: A Case Study in the Livestock System
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Why cross and mix disciplines and methodologies?: Multiple meanings of Interdisciplinarity and pluralism in ecological economics
Facing Societal Challenges in Living Labs: Towards a Conceptual Framework to Facilitate Transdisciplinary Collaborations
Indre Kalinauskaite, Rens Brankaert, Yuan Lu, Tilde Bekker, Aarnout Brombacher and Steven Vos Sustainability 13(2) 614 (2021)
Community Preferences for Urban Systems Transformation in Australia
Milo Costanza-van den Belt, Tayanah O’Donnell, Robert Webb, Eleanor Robson, Robert Costanza, Jiaqian Ling, Sarah Crowe and Hao Han Sustainability 13(9) 4749 (2021)
Lessons From the Trenches: Students’ Perspectives of Their Own Marine Transdisciplinary Education
Penser les effets du désavantage social liés à la maladie chronique
Sébastien Ruffié, Marie Cholley Gomez, Gaël Villoing, Sylvain Ferez, Normand Boucher and Patrick Fougeyrollas Alter 15-2 177 (2021)
Crafting actionable knowledge on ecological intensification: Lessons from co-innovation approaches in Uruguay and Europe
Interdisciplinarity: A complexity approach towards academic research
Adriana Zaiț, Constantin Bratianu, Elena‐Mădălina Vătămănescu, Andreia Gabriela Andrei and Ioana Alexandra Horodnic Systems Research and Behavioral Science 38(3) 294 (2021)
Using Research to Support Transformative Impacts on Complex, “Wicked Problems” With Pastoral Peoples in Rangelands
Pathways, contextual and cross-scale dynamics of science-policy-society interactions in transdisciplinary research in African cities
Oghenekaro N. Odume, Akosua BK Amaka-Otchere, Blessing N. Onyima, Fati Aziz, Sandra B. Kushitor and Sokhna Thiam Environmental Science & Policy 125 116 (2021)
Thomas Weith, Tim Barkmann, Nadin Gaasch, et al. Human-Environment Interactions, Sustainable Land Management in a European Context 8 339 (2021)
Inclusiveness, Equity, Consistency, and Flexibility as Guiding Criteria for Enabling Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Lessons From a European Project on Nature-Based Solutions and Urban Innovation
Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Perspectives: On the Road to a Holistic Approach to Dementia Prevention and Care
Francisca S. Rodriguez (Then), Jonathan Jackson, Caitlin Ware, Rebekah Churchyard and Bernard Hanseeuw Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports 4(1) 39 (2020)
Understanding mechanisms of conflict resolution beyond collaboration: an interdisciplinary typology of knowledge types and their integration in practice