Issue |
Nat. Sci. Soc.
Volume 29, Number 2, Avril/Juin 2021
Page(s) | 130 - 140 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 August 2021 |
Cinq types de travail scientifique « interdisciplinaire »
Five types of ‘interdisciplinary’ scientific work
Sociologie du numérique, Sciences Po Saint-Germain,
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France
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La littérature sur l’« interdisciplinarité » est imposante. Toutefois, peu de travaux fournissent des taxonomies descriptives des différentes figures du travail scientifique au croisement entre savoirs différents. Ceux qui le font adoptent soit un point de vue normatif et internaliste relativement à une discipline donnée, soit le point de vue de la sociologie de l’identité. En outre, le concept de « zone de transaction » est si utilisé en sciences sociales et au-delà qu’il semble pouvoir recouvrir la plupart des échanges « interdisciplinaires », mais se révèle en fait insuffisant. À partir d’un terrain auprès d’équipes de recherche en sciences de la complexité, cet article se propose de fournir une taxonomie descriptive du travail scientifique « interdisciplinaire » selon cinq types (transfrontaliers, ambassadeurs, polyglottes, binationaux et traducteurs) illustrés par des extraits d’entretiens et d’archives.
There is an impressive literature on ‘interdisciplinarity’. Nevertheless, few papers provide a descriptive taxonomy of the different forms of scientific work at the intersection of different kinds of knowledge. Those who tackle this issue adopt either a normative and internalist viewpoint in relation to a given discipline or the sociology of identity perspective.Moreover, the concept of ‘trading zones’ is so commonly used in the social sciences and beyond that it seems to be able to cover most of ‘interdisciplinary’ exchanges, but proves in fact to be insufficient. On the basis of fieldwork on complexity sciences, this article proposes to provide a descriptive taxonomy of ‘interdisciplinary’ scientific work, identifying five types described from interviews and archival citations: the frontier workers (a category that corresponds to what Galison has described with the ‘trading zones’ notion), the ambassadors (who work in multidisciplinary teams and help people from different disciplines to understand each other), the polyglots (who can ‘speak’ several languages and who often end up leading multidisciplinary teams), the dual nationals (who can ‘speak’ two languages and can conduct ‘interdisciplinary’ research alone or with others) and the translators (who apply one universal tool to several disciplines). We offer a critique of the term ‘interdisciplinarity’ and propose an alternative term: epistemic inter-culturalism.
Mots clés : recherche / technologies / interdisciplinarité / zones de transaction / sciences des systèmes complexes
Key words: research / technologies / interdisciplinarity / trading zones / complex systems sciences
© F. Li Vigni, Hosted by EDP Sciences, 2021
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