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Cited article:

Beyond land grabbing narratives, acknowledging patterns and regimes of land control in Senegal

Jeremy Bourgoin, Djibril Diop, Camille Jahel, Roberto Interdonato and Quentin Grislain
Land Use Policy 131 106753 (2023)

TerriStories®, déploiement d’un jeu sérieux renforçant à long terme une gestion foncière et environnementale autonome

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Perspectived (63) 1 (2023)

TerriStories®, despliegue de un juego responsable para reforzar, a largo plazo, una gestión autónoma del suelo y del medio ambiente

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Perspective (63) 1 (2023)

Beyond controversy, putting a livestock footprint on the map of the Senegal River delta

Jeremy Bourgoin, Djibril Diop, Labaly Touré, Quentin Grislain, Roberto Interdonato, Mohamadou Dieye, Christian Corniaux, Julien Meunier, Djiby Dia and Sidy M. Seck
Land Use Policy 120 106232 (2022)