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Alejandro Salazar-Burrows, Jorge Olea-Peñaloza, Fernando Alfaro, et al. The Latin American Studies Book Series, Socio-Environmental Research in Latin America 159 (2023)
Socioeconomic and socioecological issues of the pandemic crisis in the Amazon
Understanding large‐scale, complex, human–environmental processes: a framework for social–ecological observatories
Patrick Bourgeron, Andrew Kliskey, Lilian Alessa, Henry Loescher, Kinga Krauze, Arika Virapongse and David L Griffith Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16(S1) (2018)
An overview of research from a high elevation landscape: the Niwot Ridge, Colorado Long Term Ecological Research programme
Mark W. Williams, Timothy R. Seastedt, William D. Bowman, Diane M. McKnight and Katharine N. Suding Plant Ecology & Diversity 8(5-6) 597 (2015)
Towards New Paths for Regional and Territorial Development in Rural Areas
Social-ecological systems in the Anthropocene: The need for integrating social and biophysical records at regional scales
JA Dearing, B Acma, S Bub, FM Chambers, X Chen, J Cooper, D Crook, XH Dong, M Dotterweich, ME Edwards, TH Foster, M-J Gaillard, D Galop, P Gell, A Gil, E Jeffers, RT Jones, K Anupama, PG Langdon, R Marchant, F Mazier, CE McLean, LH Nunes, R Sukumar, I Suryaprakash, et al. The Anthropocene Review 2(3) 220 (2015)
L’application de la DCE dans les départements et régions d’outre-mer : la mise en lumière des discordances entre le concevable et le possible à la Martinique
Making Transparent Environmental Management Decisions
Patrick Bourgeron, Hope Humphries, Chip Fisher, Barry Bollenbacher and Keith Reynolds Environmental Science and Engineering, Making Transparent Environmental Management Decisions 93 (2014)
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Making Transparent Environmental Management Decisions
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Les Observatoires Hommes-Milieux : un nouveau dispositif pour une approche intégrante des intéractions environnements-sociétés et de leurs dynamiques
Stream Water Chemistry along an Elevational Gradient from the Continental Divide to the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains
Mark W. Williams, Rebecca T. Barnes, Jordan N. Parman, Michele Freppaz and Eran Hood Vadose Zone Journal 10(3) 900 (2011)