
Acknowledgments to the referees (2016)

The Editorial Board acknowledges the following colleagues for their contributions in the review process of manuscripts submitted in 2016.

Amiot-Carlin Marie-Josèphe
Barbier Rémi
Barthélémy Carole
Bécu Nicolas
Béranger Claude
Bouquet Emmanuelle
Bozonnet Jean-Paul
Brac de la Périère Bénédicte
Buclet Nicolas
Buffet Christophe
Busch Arnaud
Chaboud Christian
Chalvet Martine
Charvolin Florian
Colonna Paul
Cormier-Salem Marie-Christine
Crozet Nathalie
Damian Michel
Debril Thomas
Doussan Isabelle
Frénot Yves
Gabas Jean-Jacques
Godelier Maurice
Hamman Philippe
Larrère Raphaël
Lavigne-Delville Philippe
Le Moigne Jean-Louis
Leenhardt Delphine
Lejars Caroline
Léone Frédéric
Magnan Alexandre
Maresca Bruno
Martinais Emmanuel
Mazeaud Armelle
Meur-Férec Catherine
Micoud André
Moquay Patrick
Nieddu Martino
Osty Pierre-Louis
Peltier Anne
Perronne Christian
Piermay Jean-Luc
Pleessz Marie
Quénol Hervé
Risch Anna
Rodary Estienne
Ruelland Denis
Sainteny Guillaume
Sencébé Yannick
Servet Jean-Michel
Smadja Joëlle
Sourisseau Jean-Michel
Steyaert Patrick
Tsayem Demaze Moïse

Acknowledgments to the referees (2015)

The Editorial Board acknowledges the following colleagues for their contributions in the review process of manuscripts submitted in 2015.

Arpin Isabelle
Aykut Stephan
Barbier Rémi
Barbier Carine
Barles Sabine
Barré Rémi
Barthe Yannick
Bassett Thomas
Bérard Yann
Blanchet Didier
Briday Régis
Burgenmeier Beat
Castro Monica
Charrier André
Crozet Yves
Darly Ségolène
Demeulenaere Élise
Deroubaix José-Frédérique
Deverre Christian
Émelianoff Cyria
Farcy Christine
Guégan Jean-François
Guéneau Stéphane
Jackson Louise
Keck Frédéric
Lamine Claire
Levang Patrick
Linton Jamie
Magnan Alexandre
Mathjis Erik
Méda Dominique
Metzger Pascale
Micoud André
Milian Johan
Mougenot Catherine
Muller Serge
Nieddu Martino
Pham Jean-Louis
Pinton Florence
Pioch Sylvain
Poinsot Yves
Robert Thierry
Ronfort Joëlle
Roussel Stéphane
Salles Jean-Michel
Sautier Denis
Schwartz Yves
Snyder Katherine
Tricot Anne
Van Gameren Valentine
Viard Aurore
Voituriez Tancrède
Weisbein Julien

The stakes of the 2015 Paris Climate Conference: a fresh look at the climate issue

On the occasion of the Climate Conference to be held in Paris in December 2015, the journal Natures Sciences Sociétés, an interdisciplinary journal at the interface of science-society relations, releases a special issue titled “The stakes of the Paris Conference: a fresh look at the climate issue”. Central to this special issue is the view that the success of the conference will depend not only on the good or bad will of the 195 attending States, but also on the capacity to profoundly change the ways in which both the scientists – especially climatologists and economists – and political leaders have over time framed and sometimes confined the climate problem. This frame of action has clearly shown its limits 23 years after the signing of the Rio Convention. The present issue attempts to suggest the possible avenues for advancing further by mobilizing the most recent research work.

Starting with an analysis of 25 years of relations between science and politics on the climate issue and of the already discernible orientations of the Paris agreement being discussed, the different articles then address the core of the debates, i.e. the need to imperatively break out of the current framework and deal with the following aspects: The limits of “climate exceptionalism” which holds the foreground in international negotiations; The selection of economic tools and the impasse of the Kyoto Protocol. The long disregarded relations with development issues… which does not exhaust the obviously major question of the financial aids to Southern countries accorded by developed countries; The marginalization of the local dimension and the decisive need for an effective articulation between the local, national and global dimensions; The difficult integration of the adaptation aspect – which has suffered initially from an analytical bias; The underestimation of temporalities at the core of the climate stakes. And last the overwhelming importance attributed to the dynamics of energy supply at the expense of approaches in terms of consumption or lifestyles. Also in the field of energy strategies, the formidable weight of the coal use constraint, particularly in China and in numerous emerging economies. This issue then ends with a series of book and conference reviews.

In short, this special issue proposes an open and fresh look regarding the climate issue for the Paris Conference, an illustration of the interdisciplinary vocation of NSS.

See the table of contents

EDP Sciences signed an agreement to preserve Journals with Portico

EDP Sciences is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Portico to provide a permanent archive of the e-content for many of their key journals. Through this agreement, institutions participating in Portico’s E-Journal Preservation Service will be assured continued access to EDP Sciences content for generations of their scholars in the future.

Current data will be sent to Portico as soon as the e-journal is published, and a full list of the journals committed to the Portico archive is available at

For more information read Press Release (PDF).

Last minute: Journée George Bram "Chercher aux frontières"

This day is the 13th day Conference in the History of Science and Epistemology. It will take place Friday, 01/17/14, at the ENS (45 Rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris). Frédéric Darbellay member of the Editorial Board of NSS, will speak on "L’interdisciplinarité : innover au-delà des frontières disciplinaires"

See the program for the day here.

E-first for Natures Sciences Sociétés

Thanks to our new E-first service, there is no longer any need to wait for the printed or on line issues of Natures Sciences Sociétés.

Using DOIs, articles are available on line as soon as they have been proofread by the author. On E-first the articles are published in their final form. E-first is not a pre-print service. Articles are peer-reviewed and author corrected.

Consequently, E-first gives you:

  • The final form
  • Faster publication
  • Reliable international citation using DOIs

See E-first table of contents

To get the paper version of the special issue ?Les formations interdisciplinaires? (Supplement 2008)

If you want to get the paper version of the special issue “Les formations interdiciplinaires” (Vol. 16 Supplement 2008), please contact the Association “Natures Sciences Sociétés Dialogues”:

Association NSS Dialogues
Université Paris 10, Bât. K, 200 avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre cedex.
Phone : 01 40 97 71 16. Fax : 01 40 97 71 55.
e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thanks to reviewers (2004-2006)

Le comité de rédaction de Natures Sciences Sociétés remercie les lecteurs ayant participé à l’évaluation des articles publiés.

Lecteurs sollicités pour les articles publiés dans les numéros de l’année 2006 :

Y. Barthe, P. Béguin, P. Boy, J. Caneill, D. Carricaburu, P. Champagne, D. Courret, P. Criqui, V. Despret, B. Faye, D. Fixari, J. Guyot-Corteville, M. Hufty, J. Imbernon, A. Karsenty, H. Langevin, M. Lefort, J.-M. Levy-Leblond, T. Lodé, A. Micoud, P. Moquay, M. Mortimore, E. Rémy, C. Romana, M. Sebillotte, P. Steichen, A. Toppan, P. Vidal-Naquet.

Lecteurs sollicités pour les articles publiés dans les numéros de l’année 2005 :

F. Aggéri, J.-M. Barbier, M. Barbier, C. Blanc-Pamard, J.P. Boutonnet, E. Chia, B. Dedieu, J.P. Gaudin, L. Guichard, S. Lardon, H. Manichon, M. Meuret, J.C. Moisdon, T. Muxart, Y. Poinsot, N. Raulet, J. Rémi, A. Ruellan, T. Ruf, J. Smadja, P. Stassart, R. Teulier, A. Teyssier, F.D. Vivien.

Lecteurs sollicités pour les articles publiés dans les numéros de l’année 2004 :

F. Aggéri, C. Compagnone, S. Costa, J.-P. Darré, M. Figuié, B. Kalaora, F. Lecomte, Y. Luginbühl, C. Marris, P.L. Osty, R. Paskoff, M. Provansal, M. Rumlhart, B. Seguin, J.-F. Tourand.