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Construire un regard sociohydrologique (3). Expérimenter un canevas pour engager la négociation interdisciplinaire

Anne-Laure Collard, Jeanne Riaux, Sylvain Massuel, et al.
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Socio-hydrological drivers of agricultural water use in small reservoirs

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Inspiring a Broader Socio‐Hydrological Negotiation Approach With Interdisciplinary Field‐Based Experience

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Quand les recherches en sciences sociales s’invitent dans la gestion de l’eau

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Do April showers bring May flowers? Knowledge and perceptions of local biodiversity influencing understanding of global environmental change. A presentation of the PIAF project

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Construire un regard sociohydrologique (2). Le terrain en commun, générateur de convergences scientifiques

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